Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be an uncomfortable topic to address, but it doesn’t have to be. Find out how to recognize if you are one of 30 million men in the US1 who could potentially benefit from Eroxon® fast-acting gel.
ED is more common than you might think
Did you know that 1 in 4 men age 18 and older have difficulty getting erections consistently?2
Signs and symptoms of ED
If you’re experiencing the following symptoms, it may be time to try Eroxon® ED treatment gel. With Eroxon®, men can treat their ED symptoms without a prescription.3
It may be difficult to get or maintain an erection firm enough for sexual activity. And not for lack of trying — your body just doesn’t always respond in the way you need it to.
ED can lead to decreased sexual desire and performance anxiety.3 Sometimes it feels easier to stop trying than risking disappointment. That’s completely normal.
Occasional difficulty in getting an erection under specific circumstances, such as only being able to achieve erections during masturbation but not with a partner.3
Starting sexual intercourse but struggling to get to the finish line for you or your partner before losing firmness or your entire erection.3
Learn more about erectile health

Eroxon® ED gel
Friction belongs between the sheets, not in your love life. Finally, a new way to welcome intimate moments.

Where to buy Eroxon®
The only over-the-counter ED treatment that’s ready when you are. Available for purchase in-store and online at most major retailers.
Trusted by men and their doctors
Eroxon® ED treatment gel offers a new and clinically proven way for men and their partners to enjoy intimate moments again. See what men and healthcare professionals have to say about Eroxon®.
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